Thursday, December 2, 2010

Holiday Planning

Let's just say my holidays are not going to be typically spent with family, at Christmas parties, opening up presents under the Christmas tree. No, no, no they will be filled with delays, security, and lonely hotel rooms. Ooh the sweet life of reserve and no seniority hahaha. But not everything is as terrible as it may seem. Take for instance this last Thanksgiving. While my lovely James family was prepping for an amazing traditional family feast I was flying to Casper, Wyoming to stay overnight and leave at 6 AM the next morning. Giving into the fact that I would be spending most of the evening hanging out in my hotel room I accepted the lame holiday planned out for me this year. Luckily a wonderful airport employee invited the whole crew to join her family and have a Thanksgiving there. It was really great! Brought the meaning of Thanksgiving out more then ever before. Such selfless people to open up their doors to complete strangers and invite us to share the holiday with them. I am indebted with gratitude to that kind family and their friends for making my Thanksgiving one of the best I've ever had. We were very well fed-all the food made from scratch including the pies-then we finished up with hours of playing the game SCUM. Which actually ended up hitting home for me even more then anything that night seeing as I come from both sides of a family that are heavy into games. It was an amazing Thanksgiving and someday I hope that I can return the favor to either them or to another person in need of a holiday get up :)

In the meantime whenever I'm back in SLC I like to get as much time as I can to play and relax. It's hard to find the time and do all the responsible stuff in between but I think I've managed a pretty good schedule thus far. Also I try hard to hangout with all my family and friends when I am home so that they don't forget I'm alive ha ha. Most recently I went to a concert at the Star Bar in Park City and it was one of the best concerts I've been to recently. Snowboarding is one of the top time consuming activities I do as well when I'm home. It's nice to just hit the slopes and take in the beauty of Utah and work on improving my skills especially when I have great company that join me.

I hope I'll be blessed this month to meet new people and enjoy the holidays as much as possible even if I'm miles away from my home.